Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 5 - Brought to you by Kate's Karriage

Today's tour was up to timber line on Mt. Princeton.  21 jeeps went up and 21 jeeps came back down!  That's always a great day.

But, I think the highlight of the day was the maiden voyage of Kate's Karriage.  Kate was like a kid in the candy store.  First it was the delight of hearing that engine turn over last night.  Some issues with the fuel pump had to be worked out today.  And of course a few other things needed tweaked.  Then the moment we've all been waiting for!  They took her off the jack stands, and she took her maiden voyage.

Video by Jen

-- m38MuM

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 4 - Tincup Pass and the Continental Divide

By the time they rolled out at 0900, the group was 21 jeeps strong!  Our ranks are swelling everyday.  A few more arrived tonight, and we have lost at least two jeeps that had to head home already.  The finally count is sure to be a record.

Today the group headed up Chalk Creek Canyon...

... to the 'living' ghost town of St. Elmo.

Then it was out of town and up the road to Tincup Pass to ....

... the Continental Divide!

One way or the other you gotta go down from there, so they headed for the town of Tincup.

Fortunately for their tender bums, the route back over was by way of Cottonwood Pass.

Photos compliments of A/W (Audrey).

-- m38MuM

Day 3 - Vicksburgs and Winfield

I think I'll let Jen's photos speak for themselves.  It was beautiful!

-- m38MuM

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 2 - Bald Mtn Gulch and Four Mile

Another great day!  It started out cold and damp but ended up dry and sunny.  The photos are compliments of Jen, once again.

Jen was able to get the whole crew for day's ride in one picture... just barely.

After the trip, a bunch of the crew converged on Kate's Karriage.  They ended up with a small parts list to pick up on the way to tomorrow's ride.  It's getting so close to being ready for the trail.

-- m38MuM

Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's gonna be a great year for aspen!

We started out with a big crowd today, and those here early enough went out to breakfast at the Rooster's Crow...bright and early at 0700!

Just before lunch, they decided to run over to Centerville for gas, and go for a quick ride over at Raspberry Gulch.  Since the weather cleared up, the kept on going and visited Brown's Creek.

This year, we have lots of new faces among the 'regulars'.  From the smiles and chatter, it was a fun ride and everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's full-day run.

Pictures compliments of our daughter Jen.

-- m38MuM